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'A Happy Place For Children Aged 12 months to 5 years'
Standard sessions: 9am-12pm | 12pm – 3pm
Additional sessions: 8am-9am | 3pm onwards

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You're a busy parent. And you want to know your little one is happy and safe, so...

How to give your child the best possible start.


(...And take the worry out of working.  Let's explain...) 



So it's back to work. It's been fun at home but now it's back to business.


Or maybe you just like an hour or so on your own. We've all got different situations but the end result is the same. I need to find a Day Nursery, you're thinking. You've looked around online before, sort of I really do need to find one. 


And I don't want to make a snap decision. I want my child to learn something, yes, but I also want them to be happy. Happy child, happy family.


Where can I find a Day Nursery where my child is encouraged in a way that's right for them? That treats them as a unique little person..?


Well...look no further. You're in the right place at the right time. 


Because child care isn't just for children.

They did tell us, obviously. They did warn us.

The other experienced been-round-the-block-bought-the-T-shirt parents did slip it into the conversation a few times.


Sleep is a premium feature, nights out until morning...long gone, breakfast in bed with a leisurely we remember, they said wistfully. 


It was work, social life and sleep.  Yes, all right, ok, I admit, on the very odd occasion, it was work and social life, then work again. Didn’t seem to find the time to sneak the sleep part in. Crazy days, you’re saying. Too right. And now it’s a tad tricky to sneak any kind of snooze in longer than two hours at a stretch.


There’s quite a lot going on with the under 5s as we all know. Busy bees.


And it’s great being at home. When we can get everything out of the cupboard and play shops. We can paint or build a castle from the clothes dryer and the dog’s blanket.


Personally, I'd prefer a different blanket of choice and so would the dog come to that but let’s not stifle creativity.

Mum spending time with her little girl and pet dog.

It’s when we go back to work a few days or even full time that we wonder who can provide what we do at home every day of the week..? Exceptional child day care, every day.



Who has the energy, the devotion to give to my Little One the time and care they deserve?


What place does all that? Can be there during the sniffles, the cross patch days, the smiley days, the ‘but-I-just-want-to-play-with-the-car’ days? 

Who will make sure they have loads of interesting things to do that will stimulate and excite and make them laugh and think and yes, learn?


And really, what you want to know is...where can my child go so they can be happy, supported, encouraged, and safe?




Here. Right here. You made the right choice by staying with this website for a couple of minutes because you’re absolutely in the right place at exactly the right time, and that’s because…

The Daisy Chain Day, Nursery Lincolnshire, daisy flower.

What parents say about Daisy Chain...

Quote Mark


The nursery is impeccable, the staff are passionate and caring and the children clearly enjoy their time there.


I have no doubts in recommending this Nursery to any parent who seeks a nurturing, educational and fun setting.

Quote Mark

You'd like a visit? No problem.

Why we do what we do. And how it helps you.

Why did I join Daisy Chain Day Nursery? Let me explain...

Jenna Farrow, Daisy Chain's Senco and Assistant Manager

Jenna Farrow - PGCE Early Years Teacher,  MSc Psychology, MBPsS

This wasn’t working out. I hadn’t really thought about it.


You just go with the flow, don’t you most of the time? I hadn’t predicted what would happen next, far from it. But then, that’s what makes a day interesting isn’t it – life’s revolving door!


Hi, I’m Jenna. And a few short years ago I was just like you. Fresh out of school you try to find the ‘thing’ that is your ‘thing’. Should I get a job like some of my mates or go to Uni like the others.


Photography. I liked that.  Maybe there’s a career in it somewhere. Not just the taking photographs but a more design approach.  It’s that time, you have to make a decision, school bundles you along, so…I decided.


It was an art and design course at Birmingham City uni. And like all courses, it started out just fine. I was in Halls, made friends, doing what I enjoyed. At least, that’s what I thought.


There was an idea in the back of my head that wouldn’t go away. I realised what I really wanted to do was ‘something’ in the community – whatever that something was.


I could carry on with a design project but it didn’t feel like enough. Easy to say, but what else was there? Confused I took a break from my university degree and stayed on in Billinghay. While I was thinking all this through I joined my mum Carole at Daisy Chain with daily admin tasks.


We all get ‘lightbulb’ moments, don’t we? This was mine. And it changed everything.


Spending time in the Day Nursery made me realise just how special Early Years education is. It’s unique. You're right at the beginning of the story. Being part of that, being able to start that fascination in learning in a Little One. Could there be anything better?


It didn’t take long for me to jump into the next stage of learning where I became part of the first cohort in Lincolnshire to take the postgraduate teacher qualification, specialising in Early Years.


One thing led to another and before I knew it I was signed up for a Master's in Psychology with a view toward Educational Psychology. That was quite some ‘lightbulb’.


That’s great, Jenna, you’re thinking. Happy for you. But… does all this help me..?

Wouldn’t it be great if you had more than one lightbulb so you could see even more clearly?


Well, in fact, I did have another lightbulb.  I’ll tell you what it was, along with the how and the why all this helps you and your child.


Let me explain…


All this additional learning has given me a transformational approach to my work at the Day Nursery and I can turn to a vast range of professional resources. All this is now solely directed at your child’s own learning and development.


So...enter, lightbulb number two.


I became a mum. A little boy. And suddenly the world of parenting arrived kicking and screaming. If I didn’t ‘get it’ then, I certainly do now! No sleep. No lie in. It takes military-grade planning just to get out of the door to get to the supermarket.


Remember the time you just grabbed a coat, in the car, and off? Seriously, can you remember?


Suddenly it’s a checklist of nappies, wipes, drinks, spare clothes, I did turn the gas off, didn’t I, the cat is inside….isn’t it, something to potentially amuse them… the baby, not the cat, did I have any breakfast today – can’t remember that far back and it was only half an hour ago. A lot has happened since. And all we’re doing is grabbing some milk. Maybe a bag of pasta. All this, for that.


Yep. I’m a mum, a working parent just like you.  So yes, trust me, I definitely ‘Get It’!


Your Little One is unique. They have unique needs because your family life is unique too. They have individual needs because they’re developing at different times, in different ways. One Size Fits All won’t work.


So becoming a mum and seeking that community project, made me realise that children and families need access to a Day Nursery that is knowledgeable and committed to providing an adaptive service. A facility that absolutely recognises the unique family situation.


I know now that this is particularly crucial for working families where time is short and precious.


And don’t forget, Daisy Chain is a team. I’m not the only working mum here. We understand and fully appreciate the pressures and concerns because we’ve been there too. So when you have concerns yourself and when you need to chat something through – even though it might seem minor – we can and we will listen. You only have to get in touch - message, email, phone. We’ll get back to you when we can.


I honestly believe that the learning we have done and the experience we have here at Daisy Chain benefit your unique family story. And crucially it supports and encourages that little important person in your life.


Working parent and children. Always supported by daisy Chain Day Nursery, Lincolnshire.


'I'm a working parent. Why can't I have that choice..?'


You can. But it's not easy. You already know that.


Workplace decisions change at will, it seems. As if it wasn't bad enough during COVID.

You have a job - you need a job - and frankly, yes, why shouldn't you have that choice?


If you've felt anxious about returning to work, about what employers might say, the impact on your own day and well-being then rest assured you're not alone. It's tough. We know that because we've experienced that too in our families.







Research by BetterUp, an organisation supporting the growth of the individual in the workplace, suggests there are still many parents uncomfortable sharing childcare concerns with bosses.


Concerned about how they 'might' be perceived. 


So don't think you're alone with all kinds of questions about 'the what next'.


And the last thing you need is concern about how well your child will be looked after when you make that day nursery decision.


And that's why we will take the time to talk.

Email us, chat, call, come and see us - we always welcome an excuse to get the kettle on to be honest.

It's a big decision.  It's a big moment. 

A quick look at key points you will want to know.

You know we've taken the worry out of working.

It goes without saying that we have...


  • Trained and experienced staff, ready to learn and respond to your child's individual needs

  • Safe and secure environment - welcoming and friendly with outside play space

  • Cultural sensitivity and responsiveness to children's home life

  • Opportunities planned each day - with children's interests and enthusiasms in mind

  • A big welcome for you and your child




What to ask us:


  • What is the ratio of staff to children? How many children do you care for?  (3 years olds 1:8, 2 year olds 1:4, under 2's 1:3)

  • What qualifications and/or experience do you have? (Visit the 'About us' page )

  • Do you operate a key worker scheme? (Yes. Your child will be allocated a Key person who will build a relationship with both you and your child with the aim of supporting individual needs and enabling progression in learning. Your childs key person will also be responsible for learning and development assessments)

  • What are your policies on discipline and how do you manage children's behaviour? (Please refer to 'our 'Managing Behaviour' policy)

  • Do you provide meals, snacks, nappies, etc. or will I need to provide them? (Please see our 'FAQ's)


OK. So how does all this benefit me?

Happy child, happy family life.


Just like the little girl here. Happily exploring life with her mum.


And your child will be happy at Daisy Chain. We'll see to that.


They'll grow in every sense. As a little person, in confidence, in social skills, in language, in learning. Inquisitive, interested, questioning...and on it goes.


They'll be more than ready for the next adventure.


The skills we have personally learned and developed, the extra mile that we've gone will ultimately help you. 


It's one less major thing to worry about. 


You can continue your life, your job, juggling a million things every day like every parent.


And you'll know that your unique Little One is doing just fine, thank you.


And that's worth a lot. Huge, in fact. Literally a weight off your mind.


And all by booking a place at Daisy Chain now.

Daisy Chain Fees

Under 2’s - £18.00 per session

Over 2’s – £15.00 per session

£1.00 additional consumable charge per session

8 am – 9 am - £6.00 per hour for all ages.


Additional hours beyond 3 pm are also charged at £6.00 per hour for all ages.


Late pick-ups will be charged at £2.50 per 15 minutes.

An admin fee of £10.00 is charged upon registration of child.

 Places are always limited.  So let's just do it.  It's time to make this happen.

So...asking about a place right now
at Daisy Chain?

Everything begins when you complete this form.

Daisy Chain Day Nursery, Lincolnshire, daisy flower.

We'll be in touch as soon as we can.

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